30th October - 4th November

Heart Week is our intentional effort to put ‘love in action’ as a church community. Throughout the year we have many opportunities to reach out as a church,
but Heart Week is our opportunity to reach out together.


Contact your local campus to find out how you can contribute to Heart Week 2023

Do Good For Nothing


Fill a BAG OF BLESSING to restock the food bank at your local campus.
Pick up your bag from your campus from Sunday 23 October.

We also encourage you to find ways to bless people in your world. Here are some ideas…

  • Drop off a cake to a neighbour
  • Write a letter of appreciation to a teacher/nurse
  • Pay for the next persons coffee/meal
  • Offer to look after friends kids so they can go on a date
  • Donate blood
  • Donate hair for Alopecia wigs
  • Buy produce and meat from local stores (instead of the supermarket) for a week
  • Offer to house clean or garden for an elderly/disabled neighbour
  • Smile/greet people you walk past
  • Be creative and initiate!


Share your photo’s and video’s on social media using the hashtag #HeartWeek.
We would love to see what you have been up to!

We would also love to hear of any testimonies or ways you have reached out and shown love during Heart Week 2023. Fill in the form below and share your story!