
The Privacy Act 2020 is concerned with the content of personal information, rather than the specific form that content is in. This means that all sorts of things can contain personal information, including notes, emails, recordings, photos, and scans, whether they are in hard copy or electronic form.

Equippers Church acknowledges and accepts their responsibility to protect the privacy of individuals.  Equippers Church will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act and regulations.  This policy sets out how Equippers Church will do this.

The Privacy Act 2020 has thirteen (13) Information Privacy Principles that govern how we should collect, handle and use personal information as follows:


Purpose for Collection
We only collect personal information for a lawful purpose and when the information is necessary for that purpose.  Our purpose includes but is not limited to: 

  • inform you about our services, events, and activities
  • provide pastoral care
  • comply with legal requirements
  • connect and communicate with you
  • protect children and young people
  • complete registration and management requirements for conferences and events
  • improve our delivery of services
  • complete internal analysis and reports

Source of Information
We collect personal information directly from the person concerned.  If this is not possible, we may collect it from other people in certain situations. For example, if:

  • the person concerned gives us permission 
  • collecting it in another way would not prejudice the person’s interests
  • collecting the information from the person directly would undermine the purpose of collection 
  • we are getting it from a publicly available source

What to Tell an Individual
When we collect personal information, we take reasonable steps to make sure that the individual knows: 

  • why it’s being collected 
  • who will receive it
  • whether giving it is compulsory or voluntary 
  • what will happen if they don’t give you the information 

Providing some personal information to us is optional, however, we may not be able to effectively provide you with services or carry out our role as an organisation if you do not provide us with the information we request.


Manner of Collection
We want your interaction with us to be a pleasant experience.  We collect personal information in a manner that is fair and does not intrude to an unreasonable extent upon the individual concerned.  We take particular care when collecting information from children (minors) ensuring we liaise with their parents/caregivers regarding their information. 


Storage & Security
We hold all personal data in a number of secure electronic systems, including MicrosoftOffice365, Planning Center, Eventbrite, MailChimp, Zoho, PushPay and Google G-Suite.


You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal information at any time. Wherever possible, we will promptly provide you access to this information while ensuring we do not breach the privacy of others, or legal compliance. For example, if releasing the information could: 

  • endanger someone’s safety 
  • create a significant likelihood of serious harassment 
  • prevent the detection or investigation of a crime 
  •   please contact us at 

A person has a right to ask us to correct their information if it is wrong. 


We take reasonable steps to ensure all personal information collected is accurate, complete, relevant, up to date and not misleading. 


We will not keep personal information for longer than is necessary.  All personal information whether kept digitally or physically will be deleted when it is no longer required.


We only use personal information for the purpose we’ve collected it. We may use it in ways that are directly related to the original purpose, or we may use it another way if the person gives us permission, or in other limited circumstances in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.


We may disclose personal information in limited circumstances. For example, if:

  • disclosure is one of the purposes for which you gave the information
  • the person concerned authorised the disclosure 
  • the information will be used in an anonymous way
  • disclosure is necessary to avoid endangering someone’s health or safety 
  • disclosure is necessary to avoid a prejudice to the maintenance of the law

Cross-Border Disclosure
We may send personal information to someone overseas if the information will be adequately protected. For example: 

  • the receiving person is subject to the New Zealand Privacy Act because they do business in New Zealand 
  • the information is going to a place with comparable privacy safeguards to New Zealand 
  • the receiving person has agreed to adequately protect the information – through contract clauses, etc. 

If there aren’t adequate protections in place, we may send personal information overseas if the individual concerned gives us express permission, unless the purpose is to uphold or enforce the law or to avoid endangering someone’s health or safety.


Unique Identifiers
A unique identifier is a number or code that identifies a person.  For example, an IRD or driver’s licence number. We will not use these identifiers however, we may assign our own specific unique identifier to individuals where it is necessary.

Personal Health Information
As part of our services, we may collect personal health information (such as your medical conditions to determine your eligibility to participate in certain initiatives). We will obtain consent to such collection and directly from the person/s concerned and explain to them how the information will be used and disclosed.

Parents and caregivers will be contacted directly for personal health information regarding minors.

We will not use personal health information beyond the consent provided unless further consent is obtained or in accordance with one of the exceptions under the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020 or in accordance with any applicable law. If we use personal health information for research or statistical purposes, it will be anonymised if practicable to do so.

Visits to our websites are recorded and logged. The following data is collected anonymously and supplied by the Service User’s browser:

  • Your IP address and/or domain name
  • Your operating system (e.g., Windows 11)
  • The type of web browser you use (e.g Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer etc.)
  • The date, time, and length of the visit to the website
  • The resources and pages you accessed, and the documents downloaded
  • The search terms you used
  • The referring site (if any) through which you clicked to our website

This information is used to compile statistical information about the use of our website.  It is not used for any other purpose.  If you do not want cookies to be used, please adjust your browser settings to disable them.

Photography & Video
During services and events, our Media team may take still photographs and video footage of various aspects, including shots where individuals and groups are identifiable. These shots may be used in social media and for promotional purposes and this purpose alone. As an organisation we take into consideration the general obligations around collection of personal information in Principles 1-4 of the Privacy Act 2020.  

In accordance with Acts Churches NZ Child Protection Policy paragraph 8.10, no photographs are to be taken of a child or young person involved in a church ministry activity without their permission, and the written permission of their parent or guardian. Written consent will be gained from all parents of youth and children at their initial contact with the church.

We have CCTV devices installed across our locations. CCTV footage is recorded and retained for security purposes (e.g. if there was a theft or a break-in) and is only viewed by authorised staff. The footage will not be made public unless authorised by the individual(s) shown in the footage or in consultation with the NZ Police. The footage will be deleted after it is no longer required by Equippers Church for security or operational reasons.  There is signage at our locations advising of the presence of CCTV devices.

Social Media
We use social media networking services such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to share content and promote our initiatives in a public space. When you engage with us using these services, the social network may collect your personal information for its own purposes. These networks have their own privacy statements which are independent of ours. They do not have any access to your personal information that we hold.

You may request that you be dealt with anonymously, provided that is it lawful and practicable. We will try to accommodate a request for anonymity wherever possible, however we note that in some circumstances, this may prevent us from practically and effectively communicating with you.

Privacy Officer
Equippers Privacy Officer is Pastor Will Levy and is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that Equippers complies with the Privacy Act 2020.
  • Dealing with requests made for access to, or correction of, personal information.
  • Working with the Privacy Commissioner during the investigation of complaints.

Pastor Levy may be contacted at

Trading Names
Equippers Church is made up of the following local and national Church Trusts. This Privacy Policy covers these legal entities:

  • Equippers Auckland Group
  • Equippers Christchurch Trust
  • Equippers Dunedin Trust
  • Equippers Gisborne Trust
  • Equippers Hamilton Trust
  • Equippers Hastings Trust
  • Equippers International Trust
  • Equippers Lower Hutt Trust
  • Equippers Masterton Trust
  • Equippers Mosgiel Trust
  • Equippers Napier Trust
  • Equippers Nelson Trust
  • Equippers New Plymouth Trust
  • Equippers Palmerston North Trust
  • Equippers Porirua Trust
  • Equippers Rotorua Trust
  • Equippers Taupo Trust
  • Equippers Tauranga Trust
  • Equippers Thames Trust
  • Equippers Timaru Trust
  • Equippers Wellington Trust
  • Equippers Whakane Trust
  • Equippers Whanganui Trust

This policy also extends to the following Trusts within the Equippers Auckland Group:

  • Equippers Auckland Trust (Equippers Auckland, Pukekohe, North Shore, Manukau East Auckland, West Auckland, & Hamilton Churches)
  • Auckland City Training School Trust (Equippers College, & CLS Parenting)
  • Senz Charitable Trust
  • Revo Tour Trust
  • Equippers Property Trust

Equippers Auckland Trust trades under the following names:

  • Equippers Church
  • Equippers Auckland Church
  • Equippers East Auckland Church
  • Equippers West Auckland Church
  • Equippers North Shore Church
  • Equippers Manukau Church
  • Equippers Pukekohe Church
  • Equippers Warkworth Church


The UK has specific legislation related to your privacy.
For our UK privacy policy, please visit: